We’re a different kind of strategic consultancy. Real people with a sole desire to help companies and brands navigate from “what is” to “what could be.”

Blog. See how we paid thinkers free think.

Robert Shaw West Robert Shaw West

The Pitfalls of Microtrend Marketing

Microtrends: those fleeting, viral moments that sweep across social media, have become the bread and butter of social media managers looking for cheap and easy engagements.

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Robert Shaw West Robert Shaw West

Stuck On The Surface With AI

Embracing authenticity or AI advancements seem to be standing as opposing approaches for marketers these days.

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Robert Shaw West Robert Shaw West

Behind The Fourth Wall

Much of our client work focuses on crafting authentic brand voices. This week, maybe unsurprisingly, the new Deadpool and Wolverine movie got us thinking about the branding truths that lie behind the fourth wall.

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Robert Shaw West Robert Shaw West

Keep Your Core Close

What started out as a conversation with our resident apprentice Georgie about the merits of brands supporting Pride Month, turned into a more meaningful dialogue about brand strategy.

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Consistent Persistent

Very recently, we had a conversation with a client who wanted to better understand why or how one of their ‘competitors’ was so successful on social media regarding engagement and transactions.

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Marketing Super Power

Between your own research and that of your stakeholders, you probably have a good bit of visitor feedback. You know to varying degrees what people like, and what could use some work.

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PROCESS Dwayne Fry PROCESS Dwayne Fry

Knowing What To Do

"Trust the process" is a phrase often heard in professional sports and something we live by. Whether it's developing a new campaign, or consulting with a client on a new marketing CoE, a sound process bears results.

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The Starting Point

Too often, CEOs and their very capable executive teams, operating within siloed industries, lack a more universal depth and breadth of experiences. The result?

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Words of Wisdom

If You Don't Know Where You Are Going, Any Road Will Get You There.

With marketing, it’s pretty easy to convince yourself doing anything is better than waiting, especially in uncertain times. We would argue the opposite.

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STRATEGY Robert Shaw West STRATEGY Robert Shaw West

Best Defense Is A Good Offense

My mentor called it ‘the golden football.’ The lesson? Always play offense. Do your homework. Have a solid strategy and anticipate what others will do. Stay ahead of the market by making others react to you.

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OBJECTIVITY Robert Shaw West OBJECTIVITY Robert Shaw West

Opinion Is Not A Strategy

Our first rule? Park your opinions at the door. Be informed. 100% objectivity. Don’t cherry pick facts or data that reinforces your position. Doing marketing strategy right requires a lot of discipline and the ability to see things from the outside perspective of real world customers.

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For us, every engagement begins with a candid conversation to better understand where you are, where you want to go, and, what you believe to be in the way. Do we understand? Can we provide a valuable outside perspective? Can we help you be more successful?

Let’s have that conversation.